CLI Usage


    forge-cli -v
    forge-cli --help

    forge-cli <task> --help

## Authentication

forge-cli login

will prompt for user email and password to authenticate

forge-cli login --email "" --password "qwerty123"

login by passing your credentials

forge-cli logout

will logout and clear your session / stored credentials

## Methods

forge-cli create 

create a new forge site (subject to account limitations)

forge-cli create --name "hammer" 

will create a site called

forge-cli create --name "" --custom

create a custom domain (if allowed) with name

forge-cli add 

will assign the remote site to the current directory

forge-cli deploy

deploy site to the linked remote destination (if present)

forge-cli deploy 

deploy the explicitly referenced site

forge-cli deploy -m "added new page" 

deploy with version description message

forge-cli rollback 

rollback related site to last version

forge-cli rollback --version "123" 

rollback site to specified version (coming soon)

forge-cli versions 

list all versions for the site (coming soon)

forge-cli sites 

lists the sites available for current user

forge-cli init

create a hammer.json file in the project with forge configuration settings as needed....